fitness in sports

To begin

The sport is a very new and fairly recent practice among adults, on the contrary teenagers have almost always heard this term. It is becoming more and more frequent as esports creates a place for itself undeniable in the lives of gamers and people more or less affected by it (in particular via the advertising or even the knowledge ). It is easy to notice that in “esport”, there are the 5 letters of the word sport, it is therefore quite natural that we can evoke the similarities between the two disciplines.

However esports, although it is physical, puts less highlights this condition physical than sport, which is just as important. An athlete must be in good shape. The esport owes its similarities in name with the sport if we only base it on the part “competition” and “institution” that exist in these two domains, not the resulting physical activity. We cannot say, for example, of an occasional runner that he plays sports, but rather that he practices a “physical activity”. Ditto for a Valorant player who plays a few hours a week in “unclassified”, and who cannot be considered an esports player either, because it remains a hobby.

Can esports replace sport?

The logical answer to this question is of course no . Conversely, sport will not prevent esports either. However, it has been proven that sport, whatever it is, is a source of benefits for the body if done with regularity. While otherwise, too much esports is not necessarily good for the health . Simply put, sport is essential to the good health of an individual, including among esports people, whereas esports can be substitutable , as it has no real connection to any physical form.

Sport is an indispensable tool for the increase of the performance of an athlete. A healthy body is having faculties tenfold and therefore performance lined even triplets . It is not for nothing that very few esports people are overweight and that, on the contrary, more and more are addicted At the sports. To this is added a good diet to make a professional player an expert in maximum of his abilities. You can always use other ways to take care of your body in addition to sport, with complements food for example, and solve certain problems (Sleep/Nutrition/Concentration…) with shop products .


The results

The physical consequences:

Electronic sports competitions are organized within a standardized framework, governed by organizations represented by various leagues, tournament organizers, and game publishers. Although the energy expenditure in electronic exercise is still relatively low, the body is not out of motion, but at the heart of the exercise . Esport requires physical abilities that must be perfected through regular training. It is mainly about hand dexterity , an essential element that makes it possible to objectively distinguish a novice from an expert by simple observation. This dexterity is measured in particular by Action Per Minute (APM) . This is why esports people are obliged to follow sports training, because this has a direct link with the physical performance of the players.

The mental consequences:

Moreover, sport is also a means of mentally develop the player’s ability . Several examples are available to us: the first is the managing emotions , especially stress for example. Sport can help us cope better with stressful situations through special training and thus make a difference against people who have not had this kind of training. Another example is building confidence through sports sessions, which in this case is not training but rather a temporary boost in confidence and of mental freshness . One of our products is to cause the same feeling of relaxation when taken, this is the 1337 Relax .

what a mouse


We must not forget the effort of publishers to offer video games based on physical activity, as we see a lot at Nintendo and which is developing even more with the arrival of the Virtual reality . When creating video games, players saw esports as an alternative to sport. They therefore allowed themselves to make a choice between physical activity and video games. However the evolution of mentalities , the access facility to sport, and ever more games sophisticated allowed players to change their viewpoints. Above all, nowadays we are witnessing a democratization from the picture of “sports geek” like the “non-sports geek” which predominated in previous years.