
What is Katrafay?

Where does it come from?

Why is it used?

What are the benefits?


What is Katrafay?

It is the bark of Katafray which contains the most interesting active ingredients in terms of well-being. Distilling the bark of Katafray makes it possible to obtain an essential oil particularly rich in sesquiterpenes, active ingredients which endow it with fortifying and toning properties, capable of reducing states of fatigue and soothing the most diverse sensitivities.

Where does it come from?

Katafray is a shrub that grows naturally in the water-poor forests of Madagascar. The populations of the red island have been exploiting the remarkable properties of this extraordinary plant since ancient times.

Why is it used?

Imported directly from Madagascar for the manufacture of our 1337 Spray, Katrafay essential oil has been used for a very long time by the inhabitants of the island for its pain-relieving properties and its benefits on tone.

What are the benefits?

Fortifying and toning, Katafray essential oil is used in case of fatigue or remission. Also known as soothing, Katafray essential oil is traditionally used to contribute to joint comfort and help relieve pain.

This ingredient is used in:

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  1. Mossa A, Heikal T, Belaiba M, Raoelison E, Ferhout H, Bouajil J. Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective potential of Cedrelopsis grevei on cypermethrin induced oxidative stress and liver damage in male mice . BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015, 15:251 (25 July 2015)
  2. Mingorance, C., Andriantsitohaina, R., & de Sotomayor, MA (2008). Cedrelopsis grevei improves endothelial vasodilation in aged rats through an increase of NO participation. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 117(1), 76-83.
  3. Rakotoarison O, Rabenau I, Lobstein A, Um BH, Schott C, Anton R, Randriantsoa A, Andriantsitohaina R.V asorelaxing properties and bio-guided fractionation of Cedrelopsis grevei . PlantaMed. 2003 Feb;69(2):179-81. PMID 12624830
    4. Ralay Ranaivo H, Rakotoarison O, Tesse A, Schott C, Randriantsoa A, Lobstein A, Andriantsitohaina R. Cedrelopsis grevei induced hypotension and improved endothelial vasodilation through an increase of Cu/Zn SOD protein expression . Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2004 Feb;286(2):H775-81. PMID 14551050