Type of game

effects on the body of this type of play

When you play an adventure game, your eyes are strained for a long time, which can lead to eye strain.

With some adventure games, you may have trouble sleeping due to the blue light and stress you may encounter.

In some adventure games, regardless of the platform, we have to use our hands often, whether it's with clicks if you're using a mouse, or with quick movements with a controller.

Part of the adventure games require a lot of concentration, cold blood, which is very tiring.

What are adventure games?

Adventure games are a genre of video game that emphasizes story rather than reflexes and action. In particular, adventure games most often emphasize exploration, dialogue, and puzzle solving.

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Examples of type games


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Red Dead Redemption 2



In most adventure games, the player cannot fight or die unless that death plays a role in the story. However, there are exceptions. Adventure games therefore represent fiction, such as movies, novels and comics, whose main purpose is to tell a story. Nevertheless, it differs from these other media in that it is interactive, as the player can interact with the story. Thus, some adventure games offer several stories. As works of fiction, adventure games can draw plots from a variety of literary genres, including fantasy, science fiction, crime, horror, and comedy. Adventure games are primarily designed for one player. Compared to the story, introducing a multiplayer aspect complicates the realization.

Historically, the first text-based adventure game was Castle, a game developed by Peter Langston at Wander Software in 1974. However, it was not as popular as William Crowther’s Colossal Cave Adventure, developed on the “PDP-10” two years later. Despite its size at the time (300 Kb), it was developed in Fortran, but distributed via Arpanet. Then began the adventures of the first Scott Adams sold on a microcomputer. The interpreter is minimal and the text is concise enough to save disk space. Infocom was the first company dedicated to commercially successful interactive fiction. Infocom has developed its own language and interpreter to limit the space occupied by programming. Adventures ranged from detective to science fiction, and audiences followed through the 1980s.
Text adventures are a very specific genre, with plenty of room for player explanation and imagination. You also need to input the actions you want your character to perform with text commands. Typical examples are: When a player-controlled character enters a room (in-game), the player can enter the command “investigate the room”. In this case, the game displays the description of the room on the screen: “You are in a large room with stone walls, etc.” It must have been, invented by the game’s programmers. So if the player enters the “exam room” when the programmer expects to type “look around”, the game may not understand what the player is trying to do. A well-programmed game can overcome these limitations by using rudimentary rules of grammatical simplification (ignoring articles, ignoring verb conjugations, using a thesaurus, etc.).

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